This old''Evil Woman'' song is obviously about the Woman that knows she's manipulating and conjuring up magic of chaos with a smile on her face to use on the Man and maskerade her devilish agenda to take the Man for all his got. A Woman that forsaked a good Man who was in the goodness of The Lord. A Woman that sold out and was influenced by evil choices she made with The Negative One. Comparing Women that evolved to be like a Madaline Albright and Hillary Clinton who were also supposed to be role models to young Women when given the platform of power to navigate the S.O.S [Secretary Of State] job honestly, but unfortunatetly compromised their position evily with The Negative One, not to save lives when needed, but converted to being traitors that evolved as Vipers working for The S.O.S [Synagogue Of Satan] devils that spread their venom throughout the world that killed a lot of innocent people in The End that Justified their means, instead of saving souls.