How to pronounce eowyn

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How is Eowyn pronounced?

Eowyn is a supporting character in the books/movies the Lord of the Rings.

Pronounce Names.

Submitted from:Ojai CA USA
Pronunciation:A-O-win Long A + Long O + “win”
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Type of Name:First name

What does the name Eowyn mean?

The name Eowyn is a girl’s name meaning “horse lover”. A literary name created by J. R. R. Tolkien for a Lord of the Rings noblewoman of Rohan.

How do you pronounce Arwen from Lord of the Rings?

She plays a small role in the films and books: The Lord of the Rings.

Pronounce Names.

Submitted from:Utah,USA
Pronunciation:ARR-WIN Arr-sounds like car. Win-Sounds like fin.
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Type of Name:First Name

