Patsy cline lyrics

Get lyrics of Patsy cline song you love. List contains Patsy cline song lyrics of older one songs and hot new releases. Get known every word of your favorite song or start your own karaoke party tonight :-).

Get lyrics of Patsy cline song you love. List contains Patsy cline song lyrics of older one songs and hot new releases. Get known every word of your favorite song or start your own karaoke party tonight :-).

Lyrics to "Crazy" song by PATSY CLINE: Crazy I'm crazy for feeling so lonely I'm crazy Crazy for feeling so blue I knew You'd love me as l... Patsy Cline - Crazy Lyrics
Lyrics to 'Crazy' by Patsy Cline. Crazy, I'm crazy for feeling so lonely / I'm crazy, crazy for feeling so blue / I knew you'd love me as long as you wanted / PATSY CLINE LYRICS - Sweet Dreams
Lyrics to "Sweet Dreams" song by PATSY CLINE: Sweet dreams of you Every night I go through Why can't I forget you and start my life anew Instead o... PATSY CLINE LYRICS - Strange
Lyrics to "Strange" song by PATSY CLINE: Strange how you stopped loving me How you stopped needing me When she came along Oh, how strange St... PATSY CLINE LYRICS - I Fall To Pieces
Lyrics to "I Fall To Pieces" song by PATSY CLINE: I fall to pieces Each time I see you again I fall to pieces How can I be just your friend? You want... PATSY CLINE LYRICS - She's Got You
Lyrics to "She's Got You" song by PATSY CLINE: I've got your picture that you gave to me And it's signed with love, just like it used to be The onl... PATSY CLINE LYRICS - Foolin' 'Round
Lyrics to "Foolin' 'Round" song by PATSY CLINE: I know that you've been foolin' ' round On me right from the start So I'll give back your ring and I'... PATSY CLINE LYRICS - You Belong To Me
Lyrics to "You Belong To Me" song by PATSY CLINE: See the pyramids along the Nile Watch the sunrise from a tropic isle Just remember darling all the w... PATSY CLINE LYRICS - The Wayward Wind
Lyrics to "The Wayward Wind" song by PATSY CLINE: Oh, the wayward wind is a restless wind A restless wind that yearns to wander And he was born the ne... PATSY CLINE LYRICS - He Called Me Baby
Lyrics to "He Called Me Baby" song by PATSY CLINE: He called me baby, baby, all night long Used to hold and kiss me until dawn Then one day I woke and... PATSY CLINE LYRICS - Faded Love
Lyrics to "Faded Love" song by PATSY CLINE: As I look at the letters that you wrote to me It's you that I am thinking of As I read the lines, th... PATSY CLINE LYRICS - Just Out Of Reach
Lyrics to "Just Out Of Reach" song by PATSY CLINE: Love that runs away from me Dreams that just won't let me be Blues that keep on botherin' me Chains... PATSY CLINE LYRICS - Heartaches
Lyrics to "Heartaches" song by PATSY CLINE: Heartaches, heartaches, My loving you meant only heartaches Your kiss was such a sacred thing to me... PATSY CLINE LYRICS - San Antonio Rose
Lyrics to "San Antonio Rose" song by PATSY CLINE: Deep within my heart Lies a melody, A song of old San Antone, Where in dreams I live With a memory,... PATSY CLINE LYRICS - So Wrong
Lyrics to "So Wrong" song by PATSY CLINE: I've been so wrong For so long Thought I could live Without the love that you give I was wrong oh,... PATSY CLINE LYRICS - Always
Lyrics to "Always" song by PATSY CLINE: Always, always Always I'll be loving you, always With a love that's true, always When the things yo... PATSY CLINE LYRICS - Seven Lonely Days
Lyrics to "Seven Lonely Days" song by PATSY CLINE: Seven lonely days make one lonely week Seven lonely nights make one lonely me Ever since the time yo. Patsy Cline - I Fall To Pieces Lyrics
Lyrics to 'I Fall To Pieces' by Patsy Cline. I fall to pieces / Each time I see you again / I fall to pieces / How can I be just your friend? / You want me to. PATSY CLINE LYRICS - Crazy Arms
Lyrics to "Crazy Arms" song by PATSY CLINE: Blue is not the word for the way that I feel And the storm brewing in this heart of mine This is no... Patsy Cline - Back In Baby's Arms Lyrics
Lyrics to 'Back in Baby's Arms' by Patsy Cline. I'm back in baby's arms / How I missed those lovin' arms / I'm back where I belong / Back in baby's arms / Don't. PATSY CLINE LYRICS - Then You'll Know
Lyrics to "Then You'll Know" song by PATSY CLINE: You don't know the meaning Of the words "I love you so" But when you've found your one love Then you...

